
E-LINK JOURNAL is a Journal which represented by English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNISLA with registered ISSN 2621-4156 (ONLINE) and ISSN 2085-1383 (PRINTED). This journal is open-access scientific journal published by the Research and Development Agency- Islamic University of Lamongan.

E-LINK JOURNAL aims to publish articles with the education substance, sepecially in English education. With the concept of thought, result of studies and also in practical experience in the field that contributes to the understanding and application of English education in Indonesia.

All submitted article will go through the double blind review and editorial review before being granted with acceptance for publication. E-Link has been using OJS requiring all writers to register in advance before they are allowed to upload the manuscript online. Afterward the editors, reviewers, and writers can monitor the article processin by OJS or E-mail.