Journal title E-LINK JOURNAL Initials EJ Grade SINTA 5 Frequency Two issues per year (June and December) DOI prefix 10.30736 by Print ISSN 2085-1383 Online ISSN 2621-4156 Editor-in-chief Dian Luthfiyati,M.Pd. (+6285231110919) Man. Editor Dr. Abdul Kholiq, M.Pd Publisher Litbang Pemas Universitas Islam Lamongan Cite Analysis Google Scholar Indexing Google Scholar |Garuda | One Search E-Link Journal is an open-access scientific journal published by Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Islam Lamongan with registered ISSN 2621-4156 (ONLINE) and ISSN 2085-1383 (PRINTED).
E-Link Journal focusing on research in linguistics and language teaching. The journal covers two main areas: Linguistics, including but not limited to Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Discourse, Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, etc. and English Language Teaching such as First Language and Second Language Teaching and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), etc. The author must submit the article following the template. E-Link Journal is published twice a year (June and December).
IMPORTANT: Main authors who have published in E-Link have to skip one issue before their next submission will be considered. In addition, there cannot be the same name in one edition, either as main author or co-author. The journal will validate every author before publication. Please ensure you and your co-authors have not published with us in our latest issues before you proceed. Authors must attach an author statement when submitting the manuscript in a different file. -
Science Education and Application Journal
Journal title Science Education And Application Journal (SEAJ) Initials SEAJ Grade Four Frequency Two issues per year (March and September) DOI prefix 10.30736 by Print ISSN 2656-6672 Online ISSN 2656-8365 Editor-in-chief Kiki Septaria (+6289515461636) Man. Editor Binar Ayu Dewanti (+6282237607860) Publisher Department of Science Education, Lamongan Islamic University Cite Analysis Google Scholar Indexing Dimensions |Google Scholar | Garuda | Copernicus Sinta | Google Scholar | DOAJ
This journal has been ACCREDITED by National Journal Accreditation (ARJUNA) Managed by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia with Four Grade (Peringkat 4, Sinta 4) since year 2019.
Science Education and Application Journal (SEAJ) [p-ISSN 2656-6672 | e-ISSN 2656-8365] was first published in March 2019 by Department of Science Education, Lamongan Islamic University. This journal publishes a scientific paper on the results of the study and review of the literature.
The scope of this journal includes, but is not limited to:
- STEM/STEAM Education
- Ethno-science, Socio Scientific Issue
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Curriculum Development
- Distance Learning
- Higher-Order Thinking
- Learning Resources
- Models of Teaching
- Teacher Professional Development
- Learning and Cognitive Style
- Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Natural Science
Natural and Applied Science
- Biological sciences
- Biodiversity
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Environmental sciences
- Physics
Vygotsky: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika
Journal Title Vygotsky : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika Short Title Vygotsky Initials VoJ Grade 3 Frequency Two Issues per Year (February dan August) DOI prefix 10.30736 by P-ISSN 2656-2286 E-ISSN 2656-5846 Editor-in-chief M. Ulul Albab (+6285646355773) Man. Editor Rahma Febriyanti (+6282139864450) Publisher Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Islam Lamongan, Indonesia Cite Analysis Google Scholar Indexing Dimensions| Google Scholar | Garuda | One Search | Orcid| Road | Crossref | Sinta| Journal Stories
Vygotsky: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan Matematika is a journal that aims to reveal facts, problems, and problem solving in the field of mathematics and mathematics education. The Journal invites original research articles and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The focus and scope of research in this journal not limited to the following topics:
- Mathematics education research with the scope of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), ethnomathematics, design/development research in mathematics education, mathematics ability, ICT in mathematics education, and PISA task.
- Mathematical research with the scope of statistics and applied mathematics, analysis and geometry, as well as algebra and combinatorics.
Journal title Reforma : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Initials REFORMA Grade ON Going Frequency Two issues per year (May and November) DOI prefix 10.30736 by Print ISSN 2503-1228 Online ISSN 2621-4172 Editor-in-chief Kiki Septaria Man. Editor Publisher Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lamongan Islamic University Cite Analysis Google Scholar Indexing Dimensions |Google Scholar | Garuda | Copernicus