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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions can be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submissions have not been published before, nor have other journals been considered (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments for Editor).
  • Submitted files in Microsoft Word, and Doc in A4 paper size with Format Margins are: Top: 3.5 cm, Bottom: 3 cm, Left: 2.5 cm, Right: 2.5 cm
  • If available, a URL for reference has been provided.
  • The text or format of your article is in accordance with our article template, if not, please see our Author Guidelines first.
  • Minimum similarity <20% using iThenticate or TurnitIn
  • Minimum references> 25 come from 70% of article journals that have DOI numbers

Author Guidelines

  1. The text is the result of research or literature review in English, manuscripts that have not yet been published, original and new.
  2. The number of manuscript pages must be at least 4000-7000 words
  3. Written in English fluency, A4 paper size.
  4. Typed in the form of one column.
  5. The writing distance between lines is 1 (one) space.
  6. Submitted files in Microsoft Word, and Doc in A4 paper size with Format Margins are: Top: 3.5 cm, Bottom: 3 cm, Left: 2.5 cm, Right: 2.5 cm
  7. Article Components are: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  8. Post in the Calibri 11 font with the MS Word word 
  9. The pictures are numbered and the title of the image and the writing below the image at a distance of 1 (one) space.
  10. The table or chart with table numbers and table titles and written above the table with a distance of 1 (one) space.
  11. Manuscripts sent to editors in English must be accompanied by abstracts and keywords in English.
  12. The title manuscript is written briefly and informally with the font Calibri 14, and maximum of 15 words.
  13. Abstracts should give a pertinent overview of the work to give readers a clear idea of the content of your manuscript in 150–200 words to demonstrate how the paper is structured in a logical and precise manner.
  14. The author's name is a complete written text without an academic degree and its affiliation with the Calibri 11, single space.
  15. The author should be attached the author's statement and agreement in a different file 

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