Implementation Of Diagnostic Assessments In Learning Design For Optimal Learning Outcome
diagnostic asessment, learning desaign,Abstract
Learning as a process towards changing knowledge, attitudes and behavior of students with the intermediary of teachers as education servants. The teacher's role in delivering learning materials is often constrained by several things, one of which is the ability of students to absorb material. This is because the teacher does not know the strengths and weaknesses of the students. For this reason, researchers conducted research to determine teachers' understanding of diagnostic assessments and how teachers use information regarding students' diagnostic assessment results in learning design to obtain optimal learning outcomes. This qualitative descriptive research was conducted using interview techniques with 5 teachers from different elementary schools. From the results of the study, it was found that the teacher's understanding of the diagnostic assessment was quite low, and the use of the results of the information from the implementation of the diagnostic assessment at the beginning of learning as the basis for preparing the learning design received less attention.
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